Music Video inspiration!

 My favourite Rihanna only happens to fit the brief...

This video caught my eye as I saw it as a personalised 

interpretation of her view of tribalism. At the start of the 

video Rihanna portrays the character of an animal in the 

jungle, for example her slowly moving in the water at the 

beginning reminds me of a crocodile or something like that! 

Even the styling throughout the video defines each type of 

character she is trying to portray, again at the beginning- 

relating to my crocodile suggestion she is wearing a dark 

coloured scale like bikini! Part of the video is dedicated to 

the desert and the tribes found within that, the styling 

gives off an Arabian theme with the head scarfs and baggy 

trousers! The scene is brilliantly done with the dry tree's 

and dusty surroundings! The video also presents the 

perception of a more glamorous tribal look, this consisting of Rihanna in a more contemporary outfit but with tribal patterns. In this section of the video she is surrounded by an African tribe-like tent with other woman dancing around her. Which brings me to see also that in the video in the scenes which were outside the men are with her, then when she is set inside the women are there dancing with her... can someone hear GENDER ROLES?! This obviously represents the roles of each gender; women taking care of the family and cooking, whilst the men are outside hunting for food and protecting their family! The styling also includes plenty of accessories such as bangles which take my mind straight back to african women within tribes who over accessorise with such jewellery! Yet another set is in this video, one of Rihanna sat on a blanket of fur, amongst the roots of tree's surrounded by exotic flowers. This scene brings in even more elements of tribal life, especially in the jungle with the overgrown plantation, and also the vicious circle of life with the fur from another animal under her body.

This whole video brings together so many aspects of the wild life some tribes live, got me thinking about all the different roots I can take within this unit!


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  2. Laura, waiting for more images and evidence of's been 2 days since you last posted!
