Hello South America!

South Americaaaaa!

My own interpretation of the Amazonia tribe through a painting.
South America's tropical lowlands contained many cultured tribes who lived in the rainforest all the way back from 12,000-6,000 years ago! One of these tribes being the Amazonian indians! Despite the fact that this tribe mostly wore no clothing they had their own tradition of producing some form of fabric. Due to the hot climate these pieces of material are only small enough to cover small parts of the body. A popular pattern for the clothing is the Montaña craft tradition, this includes ponchó's, tunic's etc with a geometric design.
Amazonian women mostly wore their hair long or cut shoulder length and cut it in bangs over the forehead. During various ceremonies certain hair accessories would be added to their 'look'. A common ceremony accessory is the 'headdress' worn by men and women; consisting of a headband with long feathers spread around the root. Black body paint and nose rings are popular too for ceremonial events.
Many women from Amazonian tribes would stick sticks onto their face as a part of representing age, the older you were the shorter the stick would be stuck on! The sticks would almost look like whiskers! This has definitely got me thinking about how tribes relate to animals so much! AND I LOVE ANIMALS! Definitely time to relate some of this to the wild life out there don't you think?! This also highlights how 'not so different' tribal communities believe we are from animals! Are we really? Are we really that different from animals when you really think about it?

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