Brigdewater carnival, what do you have in store for us this year?
Not long ago I went to visit my family in Somerset to go to the Bridgewater Carnival! This Carnival consists of chains of floats made by the locals in teams. It is a competition for the best float and it is amazing what they come up with! Many of the floats had a jungle/tribal theme, also many of them expressing the life of other cultures around the world! I managed to get some shots of one I thought best represented 'Wild Kingdom'. This one included many animals and tribal patterns, it reminded me of the the famous tribals statue's you see within the islands of Polynesia, and the ever famous 'gum gum' statue you see in the film 'Night at the Museum'. Despite the fact that these floats were quite typically designed, you did get the image they were trying to portray and the hard work that went into them was more than obvious! At the end of the carnival they perform an act called 'squibbing', it consists of people stood in a long line on either side of the road holding a 'squib' each, squibs are hand held fireworks. At the same time they light their squibs and like a huge sparkler they all come alight and shoot sparks out. The people hold their squibs above their head and perform a huge finale! It reminds me of a 'fire celebration' and i've noticed many tribes celebrate with fire, so maybe this is the British way? Anyway decide that for yourself and incase my description was rubbish here is a video!!!
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